Given the fact that this scum bag nor this coin deserve much of our attention this page is filled with only information and not meant to look pretty. So expect a shitty looking site but with valid and good information. ~ LP Anti Scam Team
Luca Paterlini (scam) Reviews
Below are a series of comments and various images that potential investors should pay attention to.
Yea yea! Shout out to your boys on the good side! And don't worry, it will live on forever @Metal!!!
A message from a previous team member...To be LOCKED in eternity on
Yea...Ok Luca....only one person would say something stupid like this, and that is Luca an attempt to sucker more dumbasses into his scam coin.
What do you think bro? Duh If you gotta ask yourself that question the answer is Yes my good friend.